المنظمات غير الحكومية و دورها في تجديد الأحياء السكنية الجديدة

للكاتب : 

علي عبد الله علي البيلي
المدرس بقسم التخطيط العمراني بكلية الهندسة – جامعة الأزهر – مصر

Since some time now, have appeared the phenomena of crumbling neighborhood or its lower
status, pertaining to housing decrease and numerous demand for such; in addition to the
manifestation of social problems, lack of services, and high population density…. In addition
to the low economical condition of inhabitants in such dwelling neighborhoods; which
required a combined mutual effort in all domains for renovating and promoting its level.
Industrial countries have solved the dilemma of old neighborhood dwellings which needed
some repairs and maintenance… etc; by presenting financial and technical assistance to its
owners, concerning maintenance and repair to keep those dwellings in a safe and healthy
In the opposite, we see that poor countries who didn’t have the financial possibility to renew
its crumbling neighborhood; have referred to the interference of Non Governmental
Organizations or Institutions, in the form of Private Sector, Investors, Businessmen, or
Companies back-up…
The sad prevailing poor financial condition, did lead to the proliferation of old crumbling
neighborhoods in most of the cities as well as in Greater Cairo, who did not have the basic life
resources, not to mention it’s overpopulation, and the missing infrastructure and general
services; while its locations were generally in city centers; causing more social, urban and
economical problems, which necessitated a suitable adequate remedy.
The contributions of citizens and N.G.O’s, were considered a main potential resource for
development possibilities and renovation, that could be used to renew the prevailing
crumbling dwellings in the neighborhoods.
It’s importance have been accrued during the seventies of last century, for the following
Experience have proved that urban renovation can be successful in case the dwellers
themselves take part in developing the area they are living within, specially when those
renovations are near to them, and will serve them directly. All over the World, this solidarity
method has made the citizen contribution in renewing the neighborhood dwellings, as a
praised local attitude, and a direct milestone in Sustainable Urban Development. It gave the
necessary incentive and motive to designers and planners; with the contribution of persons,
parties and N.G.O’s in renewing and solving the neighborhood crumbling dwellings serious

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