دراسة تحليلية لخصائص مدينة عكا القديمة

للكاتب :

محمد فتيحي عبد السلام  

 قسم هندسة التخطيط العمراني ـ كلية الهندسة ـ جامعة الأزهر ـ القاهرة ـ جمهورية مصر العربية



Akko is a coastal city in northern Israel situated on a promontory at the northern end of the

Bay of Haifa, in the Akko Coastal Plain. Also called Acre, it is one of the oldest continuously

inhabited cities in the world. The geographic position of Akko made its occupation vital to

every army waging campaign in Syria and Palestine.

Furthermore, Akko is an important Muslim center, its al-Jazzar Mosque being the largest

within Israel’s pre-1967 borders. Together with Haifa, it is also the world center of the Bahai

faith. There are churches of several denominations, and a considerable number of

synagogues. After its occupation by Jewish forces in 1948, Efforts were made to preserve the

Oriental character of the Old City and to excavate and repair its remains.

The Old City of Akko is a major tourist attraction, and in 2002 UNESCO declared it a world

cultural preservation site.

Finally, this paper used a descriptive-analytical method to review and analyze the general

characteristics, present status and development potentials in the Old City of Akko. In

addition, the paper used a historical method to review the historical development of the city.

Moreover, it identified the Israeli policy in the conservation the Built Heritage of Old Akko.

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