قصور مباني التعليم المعماري عن تحقيق الوظيفة


إيمان محمد عيد عطية , محمد إبراهيم محمد إبراهيم

قسم الهندسة المعمارية كلية الهندسة شبين الكوم جامعة المنوفية


The practice of the architectural profession witnessed a lot of change during the past years, which requires

necessary changes in the learning process. Therefore there is a need for more published researches and

practical experiments about architectural education and its practice.

Architectural education is considered a branch of engineering education, that concerns studying

architectural subjects, and aims to prepare and qualify the architect to acquire knowledge and skills which

induces creativity in order to meet the requirements of the society. In addition, the architectural education

system is integrated by self learning and the increase of architectural thought, which is built by the

student's observation, exploration and perception.

The importance of architectural education buildings is represented in the place which facilitates a proper

enclosure for the educational activity, and also grants well equipped methods to achieve the best results.

Thus, architectural education buildings are considered a main element in the educational system, while

they represent the tool, which reflects the philosophy and the goals of the educational process.

Furthermore, the building should contain all of the functional spaces required, as missing any of these

spaces, or the lack of their sufficiency leads to a disablement of the educational activity which takes place

in such spaces. Space elements and interior furnishings as well, shouldn’t be less considered than space


There is an obvious insufficiency in many architectural education buildings, which places a lot of

obstacles before the development processes. Moreover, the architectural departments lack many spaces, as

all the attention has been directed to: “WHAT” the student studies, and it doesn't concern much

“WHERE” and “HOW” he studies. Therefore, it is needed to highlight the importance of architectural

education buildings, as they represent the physical enclosure which contains the educational process and

influences the architect during the time of his thought formation.

The problem of this research is represented in the insufficiency of architectural education buildings in

Egypt, which disables them from achieving their functional requirements, while the insufficiency of those

buildings also affects the architectural character of the graduate who spends years exchanging influence

with them. Thus, generations of graduates who deal with such buildings become less qualified and

incapable of being creative. So, the research aims to focus on those buildings as a significant element in

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