مؤتمر الطاقة والاستدامة Energy and Sustainability 2009

Second International Conference on Energy and Sustainablity

23 – 25 June 2009

Bologna, Italy

IntroductionThe way in which our Society exists, operates and develops is strongly influenced by the way in which energy is produced and consumed. No process in Industry can be performed without sufficient supply of energy, and without Industry there can be no production of commodities on which the existence of modern Society depends.

The energy systems evolved over a long period and more rapidly over the last two centuries, as a response to the requirements of Industry and Society, starting from  combustion of fuels to exploiting nuclear energy and renewable resources. It is clear that the evolution of the energy systems is a continuous process, which involves constant technological development and innovation.

While in the past the driving forces behind the development of energy systems were the requirements of Society and the current state of technology; nowadays this process is also shaped by the sustainability requirement. The concept of sustainable production and use of energy aims at preserving the natural resources which are vital for long-term development of modern Society. One of the eres09.jpggreatest threats, that of global warming, requires that the emissions of greenhouse gases are reduced by relying more on renewable energy resources and clean technologies and also by increasing the efficiency of energy production and consumption. All these topics are subjects of continuous investigation and research.

This International Conference will include topics related to Sustainability in Energy Production, Energy Storage and Distribution and Energy Management.

 Who Should Attend

This International Conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government interested in current developments in energy systems. 

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