للكاتب :
Tripoli- Libya
Muhsin M. Hamdoon Aljubori and Mohamed Khalifa. Al-Taleb
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Alfateh
The two known methods of solution of velocity are the analytical and graphical methods,
and the last one is consists of the relative velocity method and the instantaneous center
method.. The construction of velocity diagram is relatively simple using the relative
velocity method, while the construction of acceleration diagram needs more efforts and
concentration, and could be started by specifying a fixed point or points and drawing the
radial component of acceleration of the link or links which is connected with fixed points
and moves with constant angular velocity and is called the first link. There for this
component will equal the entire acceleration for this link since the tangential component is
equal zero, so the second end of the first link will be specified by one step called the first
step. In this paper we present a new method which can be used to determine the
acceleration components of the linkage mechanisms. The presented method is tested on
different mechanisms. It is concluded that this direct method gave very promising results
and it can be used as an alter approach or for checking the solution resulted from the
application of the known method.
Good point. I hadn't thohugt about it quite that way. 🙂