للكاتبين Mazhar B. Tayel1 AND Hamed Sh. Zaed1
1Faculty of Eng., Alex. Univ.
2Air Defense College
The higher demand and greater awareness on security problems lead to study of more
secure, high performance, reliable and flexible systems. To meet these demands a proposed
Robust Blowfish Block Cipher (RBBC) algorithm is introduced. The same algorithm is used
for decryption as well as encryption. The only difference is that the input to encryption is
plaintext, where as for decryption is ciphertext, and the key in the reverse order. Because
blowfish algorithm is only suitable for applications where the key does not often change, the
RBBC algorithm was introduced to overcome the higher defect appearing in the blowfish
algorithm .In the RBBC algorithm the user can change the key without any problem.