للكاتبين  Fahmy F. Asal*, and Raaed Hassouna*

Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Egypt


Due to increasing availability of digital elevation data and rapid advances in computer

technology the utilization of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) in Surveying and Mapping

have greatly expanded in the last several years (Lo and Yeung, 2004). Ground surveying

measurements either using conventional techniques or using RTK GPS methods, digital

photogrammetry and the newly established airborne laser scanning which applies LiDAR

technology are main sources for the measurements used in the creation of DEMs. Most of

mapping techniques provide discrete measurements on a point support which are to be

subjected to interpolation operation for the creation of DEM. GIS and image processing

systems such as ArcView GIS and ERDAS IMMAGINE provide means for interpolating

DEM basing on different interpolation approaches such as Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW)

method, spline approach and kriging techniques. Different interpolation methods have to be

expected to provide DEMs of varying qualities. This research applies accuracy assessment

analysis and quality investigations on DEMs obtained from IDW and spline interpolators in

order to assess how efficient each of these methods in creating DEM that can be a good

representation to the real world. The analysis has shown that IDW method provides better

quality DEM than the DEM obtained from the spline approach which smoothes the terrain

and provides noise DEM of lower accuracy in elevation determination than the IDW DEM.

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