للكاتب :
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, AL-Azhar University
In a previous work of the author, an optimal method for minimum meter configuration system of
electric power network has been presented. Such a system does satisfy the necessary and sufficient
conditions for the detectability and identifiability of bad-data with minimum meter number and
minimum cost of the elements contained. In this paper a bad-data pre-cleaning (BDPC) technique
using such a minimum meter configuration system will be introduced. The technique uses a new
group of indicators for the detection, identification, and correction processes which will be
performed before the state estimation process. Each indicator corresponds to a stationarity
condition that must be satisfied by a group of measurements used during the networks operation.
The bad-data indicators are actually checking the stationarity of the network. They can be
regarded as a measure of matching of the set of measurements to the corresponding
stationarity conditions (Kirchoff's first law or the line flow equations) in the network. In the
paper, the model equations, the formulated stationarity conditions, the set of bad-data
indicators as well as the main procedure for detection, identification and correction will be
introduced. Simulation results using the AEP 30-bus network are displayed showing results in
detection, identification and correction of interacting and non-interacting multiple bad data.