Call for Papers DMACH 2011 Digital Media and its Applications in Cultural Heritage

Call for Papers, DMACH 2011”Digital Media and its Applications in Cultural Heritage”. Organized by The Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region, JordanAl-Turath Foundation, Saudi Arabia. In collaboration withQueen Rania Institute of Tourism and Heritage on 6-17 March, 2011, Amman -Jordan

Call for Papers


DMACH 2011
Digital Media and its Applications in Cultural Heritage


Organized by
The Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region, Jordan
Al-Turath Foundation, Saudi Arabia

In collaboration with
Queen Rania Institute of Tourism and Heritage, Hashemite University

16-17 March, 2011

Amman -Jordan



Over the past few years, a remarkable increase has occurred in the use of digital techniques for the documentation, management, and communication of cultural heritage. This has drastically transformed the way we capture, store, process, represent and disseminate information. The techniques employed have evolved from standard surveying and CAD tools and/or traditional photogrammetry into laser scanning virtual reality and fully automated video-based techniques. However, it is often argued that digital media tend to create and compile value-free content and thus are inefficient in capturing and communicating cultural and symbolic meanings. Digital media, as any other medium, tend to amplify or reduce the cultural phenomena as a result of their constraints and limitations. Thus the issue of using digital media for cultural heritage is by no means a simple one and must be examined from different angles. The aim of DMACH2011 is to explore the opportunities and challenges of using digital media in the research, preservation, management, interpretation, and representation of cultural heritage. Of particular interest for this year conference are issues related to interactive virtual reality, intelligent and wireless hand-held devices, high speed multi-media, and making virtual reality and augmented reality user-friendly and available resources for the general public.


Building on the successful DMACH 2008 international conference held in Amman, Jordan in 2008 and in order to explore and map the challenges and opportunities of using digital media in cultural heritage, The Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR), Al-Turath Foundation, and Queen Rania Institute of Tourism and Heritage have joined together to organize the second edition of the International Conference on Digital Media and its Applications in Cultural Heritage (DMACH 2011). This conference provides a forum to examine and discuss current practices and future directions in the documentation, representation, and communication of cultural heritage using digital technologies. The conference aims to provide the participants an occasion to share and exchange experiences and research findings, to stimulate more ideas and useful insights regarding the uses of digital media in cultural heritage, and to debate their views on future research and developments.


Topics of Interest

We invite scholars and practitioners in architecture, planning, archaeology, and related fields, as well as administrators of museums, galleries, and archives, to submit papers on any topic related to conference theme. Papers may reflect on a wide spectrum of issues related to digital heritage. The conference is structured around a number of sub-themes that include -but are not limited to:


• Virtual realty applications in conservation research and practice

• Internet-based applications

• E-libraries and e-learning in cultural heritage

• Intelligent description of cultural heritage content

• Interactive, virtual and augmented environments

• wireless hand-held devices

• Knowledge systems for heritage management

• GIS and spatial information management in cultural heritage

• Photogrammetry, laser scanning and scene modeling

• Virtual Heritage

• Virtual Museums

• Data acquisition technologies

• 3D data capture and processing in cultural heritage

• Digital reconstructions and 3D modeling

• Reproduction techniques and rapid prototyping in cultural heritage

• Multimedia, data management and archiving

• Rendering techniques for cultural heritage: photorealistic and non-photorealistic

• Innovative graphics applications and techniques

• Digital media and commodification of cultural heritage

• Authenticity and integrity of data/content

• The economics of cultural informatics

• Usability and interface design for cultural heritage applications

• Methods of and issues related to accessibility and interoperability


Important Dates

Deadline for abstracts:                       June 15, 2010

Full paper submission for review:       August 15, 2010

Notification of acceptance:                 October 15, 2010

Deadline for final papers:                    December 15, 2010







Submission and Relevant Information

Abstract submission must be in English with a length of max. 500 words. Full paper submission could be in either English or Arabic. You are asked to identify the research track for your paper.


Abstracts should be e-mailed to scientific committee co-chairs ( Full paper submissions are required to be done online through the conference Website:

Submissions will be peer reviewed.


Full paper format, submission guidelines, registration, accommodation and further information are available at the conference website:

For further information about submissions, please contact conference secretariat.


Posters, Panel Discussion & Workshops

The conference also welcomes proposals for:

* Poster papers
* Plenary Session/ Panel Discussion
* Workshops
For more details check conference website. 


Conference Proceedings

All papers accepted for publication will be published inthe conference proceedings, which will be available to delegates at the time of registration. In addition, papers will be published in a volume of CSAAR Transactions on the Built Environment (ISSN 1992-7320). 


Best Paper Award (3 Awards)

The Best Paper Award is presented to the individual(s) judged by a separate awards committee to have written the best paper appearing in DMACH & CSAAR conference proceedings. The Award shall be 300 USD and a certificate. In case there is more than one author for the paper, the award shall be divided equally among all authors and each shall receive a certificate. Judging shall be on the bases of general quality, originality, subject matter, and timeliness. 


Scientific Committee Co-Chairs

Jamal Al-Qawasmi

            KFUPM, Saudi Arabia


Yahya Alshawabkeh

            Hashemite University, Jordan


Fabio Remondino

            Bruno Kessler Foundation – FBK, Italy



Conference Secretariat

Sami Kamal


International Scientific Committee

Alan Chalmers, University of Warwick, UK

Armin Gruen, ,Switzerland

Chengzhi Peng, University of Sheffield, UK

Cliff Ogleby, University of Melbourne, Australia

Devrim Akca, Isik University, Turkey

Elizabeth Louden, Texas Tech University, USA 

Erik Champion, Massey University, New Zealand

Fotis Liarokapis, Coventry University, UK

Fulvio Rinaudo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Holly Rushmeier, Yale University, USA

José Luis Lerma, Universidad Politécnica De Valencia, Spain

Klaus Hanke, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Livio De Luca, MAP-Gamsau Laboratory (CNRS/MCC), France

Luis Mateus, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

Marco Gaiani,Università di Bologna, Italy

Mario Santana Quintero,

University of Leuven, Belgium

Michele A. Chiuini, Ball State University, USA

Pierre Grussenmeyer, INSA Strasbourg, France

Samer Al-Ratrout, German Jordanian University, Jordan


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