للكاتبين :
R. M. Abd El-Maksoud and N. N. Bayomi
Faculty of Eng. Mataria, Helwan University,Cairo, EGYPT
The present paper introduces a new power assist and separate shaft turbocharger system. Such
system is configured as the compressor attached to an electric motor while the turbine is
connected to a generator through a clutch. The compressor shaft is connected to the turbine
through another clutch. The two clutches are used to operate the system in power assist or
separate shaft modes according to turbo-charging requirements.
In this paper, demonstrative operational charts of turbocharger turbine and compressor for
two operating modes are presented. Such charts are derived using mathematical procedures
that are recommended to be followed in making a preliminary design of the two turbocharger
components. The procedures are utilized to verify the inlet and exit flow parameters for both
turbine and compressor. The approach enables the process designer to quickly and
realistically estimate different parameters and flow variables. The operating conditions are
solely dependent upon the exhaust gas power as well as the percentage of power assistance
when the turbocharger operates in the power assist mode.