للكاتبين :
E.A. El Kady1 M.A. Saleh2and R.I. Afify3
1Associate prof. , Mech. Eng. Dept., Al Azhar university
2Assistant lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Al Azhar university
3Mech. Eng. Dept., Banha university
The present experimental work concerns with forced convection heat transfer from
vertical flat plate heated at constant heat flux subjected to normal air jet. This
experimental work consists of two stages. The first stage considers the heat transfer
process when the heated vertical plate is smooth (without ribs). In the second stage,
the heated plate is augmented with vertical ribs to investigate the effect of such
technique on the enhancement of the heat transfer process. Each square rod in the
array (ribs) was positioned in a vertical plan normal to the flow direction and
parallel to the heated flat plate surface. Experiments were carried out at different
values of Reynolds number, Re ranged from 1.52E4 to 7.50E4. Also, results are
obtained for different geometrical actors; namely, the nozzle to plate spacing, s/b as
well as the pitch ratio, p/w.