للكاتب :
Amjad A. Yasin., Raed M. Samra
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Al-Balqa Applied University, Amman, Jordan.
This paper proposes a procedure for incorporating the effects of thermal and mechanical loads
on the analysis of reinforced concrete beams. Two basic assumptions are made: 1. linear
strain, stress and temperature distributions, and 2. cracked concrete section. The thermal
curvature is fully restrained. Curves of thermal moment versus tension steel ratios are
produced and may be used in a designer oriented approach to predict the thermal moment for
any section size, with different tension and compression steel ratios, temperature gradient and
grades of concrete and steel.
A comparative study is performed to highlight the effect of various design parameters such as
the concrete compressive strength, yield strength of steel, area(s) of reinforcing steel and
section dimensions on the thermal moment. Finally, the effect of thermal gradients on the
spacing of expansion joints is discussed.