للكاتبين :
A.E. Mansour * and A. A. Wadoud **
*Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
**Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority,
Reactors Department, Cairo, Egypt
The physical protection system (PPS) is designed to prevent radiological sabotage and/or
theft of nuclear materials present within the nuclear facility. The PPS design includes the
determination of the PPS objectives, the initial design of a PPS; the evaluation of the design,
and, probably, a redesign or refinement of the system. Once a PPS is designed, it must be
analyzed and evaluated to ensure it meets the physical protection objectives. This work deals
with the physical protection system performance of a hypothetical research reactor facility
(HRRF) to ensure it verify the physical protection system objectives. Single path computer
models are used in the evaluation process. Many paths of an adversary who intends to attempt
the nuclear materials inside the reactor are analyzed. Also an expected sabotage & theft –
scenarios are created to compute the physical protection system effectiveness. The probability
of detection and delay time values of detection, delay, communication and response forces
action are measured along a specific path of the adversary. Each of probability of
interruption P (I) & probability of neutralization P (N) are computed to determine the
probability of effectiveness P (E) as a metric of the physical protection system effectiveness.
The output result shows that the physical protection system of the facility must be improved.
The required upgrades for the weakness elements inside the physical protection system of
HRRF and studying the effects of this upgrade on the physical protection system
effectiveness are achieved.