R.M. Abd El-Naby
Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha Branch,
Statistical studies implemented worldwide deduced that exposing concrete structures to fire is
still a challenging problem from the structural and economical points of views. Researchers
attributed this to the complex nature of the concrete structure in the field and the inexistence of
a reliable test facility that can predict the actual behavior of the concrete elements if they are
exposed to fire while they are subjected to external loading conditions. The analytical and
experimental work carried out concluded that using the finite element analysis (FEA) proved to
be a reliable analytical technique to predict the actual behavior of concrete exposed to high-rise
temperature, if an accurate characterization of the concrete material is provided as input data to
the software (SAP 2000).
This research provided the fire test facility (FTF) as an attempt to examine a concrete specimenexposed fire while subjected to compressive load. The fire test facility (FTF) proved to be a
reliable experimental technique to model the actual behavior of concrete specimen exposed to
fire and compressive load. Relating the microstructure characteristics of the X-ray diffraction
to the compressive strength of the concrete provided an explanation to the behavior of the
dolomite powder, either at the room temperature or at high-rise temperature. However, this
relation concluded the need of extending this experimental work to comprise different types of
powder to examine the susceptibility to the pozzolanic reaction.