للكاتبين :
Riffat Asim Pasha, M. Zubair Khan and A.M Hashmi
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Engineering & Technology Taxila
In the past two decades many theoretical studies, numerical finite element analyses and modeling
conducted the fracture and damage of piezoelectric ceramics under electrical, mechanical,
thermal and combined electromechanical loading modes. The properties of these materials
degrade due to any one of those loading condition. One of the methods to calculate the various
properties relating piezoelectric properties is the determination of frequencies of minimum and
maximum impedance. This research paper describes the design and fabrication of frequencies
determination circuit and methodology to measure it. Designed parameters include the switch box
circuit, oscillator circuit, frequency counter and decade resistor circuit. Voltmeter and waveform
generator are the required accessories for generation and measurement. The frequencies of
minimum and maximum impedance are further used for the determination of coupling, elastic
constants, piezoelectric constants and mechanical Q factor.