للكاتبين :
Al Metwally M. Mostafa1 , Nehad Mohamed2 , . Hany Harb1
1Systems & Computers Engineering Department-Faculty of Engineering – Al Azhar Univers
2Senior software Engineer -First Engineering & Software Systems
The distribution of data via replication within or between organizations is crucial for
many applications. Such a distribution may be transparent, as it is embodied in distributed
object database systems to increase their performance, reliability and availability. Many
distributed object systems based on fully replication is suffering from bottleneck problem.
The bottleneck problem comes from the fact that there is no load-balance between the nodes
in the system. In such system only one node is managing the whole replicated object store.
This manager node is responsible about the store consistency and transaction serialization.
This work investigates the one node manager problems and presents a new protocol for
insuring locality and solves the bottleneck problem. Having more than one manager, would
directly influences a better load balancing between all nodes in the system