BENAMMAR Ben khadda 1, MEZGHICHE Bouzidi
1Department of civil engineering, University Mohamed Khider, Biskra, Algeria.
The discovery of hydraulic cement made it possible to the manufacturers to reach a malleable material at
the fresh state and having the properties of the stone at the hardened state. The neat cement grout plays the
part of binder and allows the manufacture of the concrete by incorporating sand and gravel. The concrete
occupies, since its invention, the first place in volume of use of materials in the field of the building and
the civil engineering. Its interest comes from its great simplicity of implementation, its resistance in
compression, its durability and its low cost. It also presents other qualities, a such excellent behaviour with
fire, a great impact resistance, a good protection against nuclear radiations, etc…. However, the material
concrete must adapt in a continuous way to new requirements and new needs.
This article shows it out of the structures and concrete constructions reinforced the effect of: Natural
stoving (by solar energy) on the resistance of compression of the concretes for the elements of
constructions of prefabrication during first hours of the heating, in order to reach the minimum of
resistance considered to be essential for the rotation of the moulds while saving electric power.