*Hassan T. Abdelwahab,.,** Mohamed A. Abdel-Aty,
*Public Works Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
**University of Central Florida., Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
This research presents the development of mode choice models for Florida, USA. The mode choice
model was estimated as a three-level nested logit structure. Two separate surveys were used in the
estimation process. The first is the on-board transit survey, and the second is the household survey. The
portion of the nesting structure that includes the different transit alternatives (the transit branch) was
estimated using the on-board transit data, while the upper nest that includes the choice of transit versus
highway used the household travel data. The two parts were linked through the use of the inclusive value
of transit. The overall model utilized full information maximum likelihood estimation. Among the
significant variables that entered into the model are; transit access time, transit wait time, number of
transfers, in-vehicle travel time, fare, and household car ownership.