للكاتبين :
1Department of computer science Mohamed KHIDER University Biskra BP 145, 07000 Biskra,
2Department of computer science BADJI Mokhtar University Annaba BP 12, 23000 Annaba,
The automatic translation of the human origin texts is a complex strong implementation called
to apprehend the open universe textual without any constraints towards nature or to their
diversity. To resolve this problematic, several trials have been made every time with the goal
of obtaining the best quality of translation , but in front of the different ambiguities of the
natural language, this problem of translation is too far to be solved. In fact, in absence of the
language mastery of context, most of phrases are ambiguous. By this reason, the current
researches in this domain were oriented at first to the mastery of the meaning vehiculed by
phrases before proceeding to the translation process itself. In fact, translating without
understanding leads directly to failure. In order to elevate the translation quality, we suggest
a neuronal approach for the generation of the different semantic cases related to the different
parts of the phrase to wicle the sens first and to generate the translation in the aimed language
later. It is what allowed us to obtain satisfying results in comparison to the same works using
other technics. Effectively, the neuronal technics have good capacities of training and
generalization, hardiness, mainly tolerance breakdowns of it, and parallel treatment
possibility. In our approach we use a supervised training by a simple recurrent neurons
network to learn translation technics with a performance similar to the human. Our system
contains two phases, the first one is the training phase, the second is the test part and
generalization to measure the network generalization degree of the network according to what
was learnt during the training phase. The uses neurons network hold account the deepened
representation using the semantic cases and the surface representation using elements which
indicate the shape of phrase.