Abdullah Nurdden1, Riza Atiq O.K.Rahmat1, Amiruddin Ismail1
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Road traffic has been an increasing urban problem the world over. The congestion it causes not
only inconveniences the road user but also society in general by increasing travel time, fuel
consumption, air and noise pollution and reducing road safety. In Malaysia as elsewhere, there is
increasing use of the private car with ≈ 40% of the vehicle registrations [1]. The rapid increase in
the use of own transport prompted by inadequate public transport has resulted in increased traffic
congestion, accidents, inadequate parking space and air pollution among other evils. This study
sought to identify the factors preventing own transport users from shifting to public transport and
to develop model shift from car to public transport in order to formulate the policies to achieve
this. A survey was carried out on users of private and public (both bus and urban train transport)
using the stated preference (SP) and revealed preference (RP) techniques (n = 1200). A binary
and multinomial logit models were developed for the three alternative modes, Car, Bus and Train.
This study found that the most important variables found likely to encourage the use of public
transport were higher parking charges, reduced travel time and subsidized fares. As expected, for
the commuter to switch to public transport he would have to be incentivated to do so.