Potentials and limitations of Cyberspace on City Development

 فرص وعوائق الاتصال المعتمد على الانترنت والفضاء الافتراضي على تطور المدن. عرض مرئي من الدكتور فهد الحريقي والدكتور عمر بنا.

Potentials and limitations of Cyberspace and Web-Based Interactions on City Development:
A Survey of key Urban Actors in Selected Saudi Arabia Cities

Dr. Fahad Al-Harigi
Dr. Umar Benna
King Faisal University,
Dammam, Saudi Arabia
 Presentation Outline:

  • Research Questions
  • Assumptions
  • Research Methodology
  • Analysis
  • Findings
  • Conclusion

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