للكاتبين :
A.E.Bayoumi *, M.A.Tantawy** and E.Eissa*
* Min. & Pet. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
** Pet. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Pet. & Min. Eng., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.
Gas reservoir simulation is a tremendously powerful tool for helping the reservoir engineer to
understand a reservoir’s behavior. It is the standard method for solving reservoir flow
problems in fields and laboratories. Also it is used to improve management of the reservoir to
optimize that behavior. Therefore, the present research was aimed to simulate the depletion
drive gas reservoir. The simulation study includes the effect of gas reduced properties, gas
compressibility factor, and gas viscosity on the depletion drive gas reservoir performance.
Also the determination of original gas in place with forecasting of pressure and production
performance. The modified streamline model was designed to simulate depletion drive gas
reservoir performance. In this model Standing [8] correlation is the best correlation to
determine gas reduced properties, Dranchuk and Abu-Kassim [15] is the best correlation to
determine gas compressibility factor and Dempsey [18] correlation is the best correlation to
determine gas viscosity. The modified model has been used to calculate the OGIP for
anomaly-03 Darfeel field. It was found that the original gas in place is 110 BSCF. The
pressure and production performance of the investigated gas reservoir have been predicted
after successful history matching of the past performance of the reservoir.