للكاتبين :
Nour El-Emam, El-Kasbai Abbdel-Magid and El-Sayed Ibrahim
Petroleum and Mining Engineering Dept./Faculty of Engineering / Al-azhar University, Cairo
Many dangerous problems can be taken place due to presence of water in natural gas mixtures
(such as; hydrates formation, reducing-transmission line capacity, corrosion and erosion of
pipelines and damage of equipment and instruments etc.).
To avoid these problems, the natural gas mixtures should be free of water in all steps of
processing and transportation. So, the objective of this work was to select the best calculation
technique among the different techniques available in the literature (McCarthy Chart, Mecketta
& Wehe Chart , Katz Chart , Maddox Charts, Campbell Charts, GPSA Charts, Dalton’s Law,
Sharma & Campbell, Sloan, Kasim and Haridy) used for natural gas mixtures to view and
control the conditions of the above problems.
So; the comparison should be achieved to select the best technique used to estimate the saturated
natural gas water vapor content, and the GPSA technique recorded high accuracy at most of the
studied conditions. So the GPSA technique was modified by converting its figures into equations
to be used easily in computer programming.