للكاتبين :

Pawel Krzystolik1, Stanislaw Nagy2, Jakub Siemek2, Bartłomiej Jura1

1. Central Mining Institute, Scientific Consultant, Plac Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland

2. AGH University of Science & Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland,


Underground storage of carbon dioxide may be potential technology to decrease of

greenhouses gases emission, usually from industry sources. There are a number of existing

technologies, including chemical absorption, adsorption, cryogenic processes, and membranes, that

can separate carbon dioxide (CO2) from the flue gases emitted during power plant operation.Sequestration of CO2 is complex process of capture, transport and deep injection into geologic

formation (including the ocean, aquifers, and depleted oil and gas wells).

Because sequestration is expensive process – various economical variants are proposed- one

of the best are: enhanced oil recovery with CO2 (EOR-CO2), the `second is process of enhanced coal

bed methane (ECBM). The experimental projects of ECBM in Silesia (“Recopol”) is in pilot phase.

The Recopol project the first sequestration pilot onshore in Europe, inevitable to deal with all “soft”

issues (permits, contracts, opposition, etc.) related to this kind of innovative projects. The lessons

learned in this operation can possibly help to overtake start-up barriers of future CO2 sequestration

project in Europe.

The other carbon dioxide sequestration combined with Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is

designed for “Jastrzabka Stara” field. The calculation of injection process show, that injection of 23

mln Sm3 is possible. Sequestration of CO2 during oil production is possible, and results from this

process may be useful during planning other EOR-CO2 sequestration projects.

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