للكاتبين :
Malika NEZAR, R.Abdessemed1 , LH Mouss1 , M.E.H. Benbouzid2
1Electrical engineering department – Faculty of Engineering Sciences –
University of BATNA, ALGÉRIA
2 IUT BREST – GEII department – university of BREST
With considering the role of the information in the biologic nervous system and the
importance of its processing time, realised in the frame of the organism protection, appears
the interest to resort to this one, in order to solve completely, the industrial failing problem.
By using this model, it would be possible to acquire the maximum of knowledge on the
process intervention insured by the doctor at time. And, by using the artificial neural
network approach, the behavioural reproduction would be the suitable supervision means
to start, in defect case, the real time diagnosis. To illustrate this idea and to demonstrate the
role of the artificial intelligence tools, this paper suggests a direct application on the real
time diagnosis of fault caused by one of the static converter switches, associated to an
asynchronous machine.