Arch. Khaled Ali Youssef
Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Assiut University
In the early 1980s, trade magazines began running stories on
Intelligent Architecture (IA), initiating pressure on architects to
build Intelligent Buildings (IBs) despite there was no standard
definition of IBs. In the 1990s, the shift into the informational
mode became one of the most important transformations of
contemporary life placing new demands on architecture before
it can be termed 'intelligent'. With the rise of global hazards, the
impact of architecture on the global environment became a
matter of concern, the fact that promoted the concept of IA to
contribute to the environmental quality and hazards prevention,
opening the door for architectural intelligence in a broader
context. The convergence of and the conflict between IA
conceptions, together with the wide use of the term as a title,
make the need to be explicit about the concept crucial,
highlighting the demand for an Integrated Profile of Intelligent
Architecture (IPIA).
To achieve the intended profile, the paper first traces the wide
range of IA related definitions, proposals and viewpoints, to be
categorized according to their shared attributes into three broad
perspectives. To better understand the implications of the three
perspectives, the offered opportunities and the imposed
challenges are briefly introduced. Further, alternatives of
integrating the three perspectives of IA within one profile are
explored, highlighting the appropriateness for the local context
and the varying standards. Through exploring and
comparatively analyzing the alternatives, the ground, on which
the demanded IPIA can be built, is gained.