للكاتبين Magdy Abdel Aziz. Zahw1 , Mohamed A. Azab 2
1Civil Engineering Department,King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA
2Civil Engineering Department Al_Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Concrete slabs rested directly by the soil continuum are a very common runway construction
form. Predicting the settlements of road-RC slab on different subsoil and/or embankment
under vehicle axle loads is presented. The vertical elastic downward deflection amplitude is
calculated by using layered elastic computer package called Ever-series analysis program.
The mathematical model is applied to case of surface tandem axle traffic loads. The analysis
simulation was applied to study four different practical elastic multi-layered cases in Saudi
Arabia. Each case, when it carries vehicle axle loads, is influenced by the below and above
layer characteristics.The presented results can be used to estimate pavement, RC slab,
subgrade or embankment layer thickness values, or compare critical deflections with
allowable values, in order to achieve satisfactory and economical designs. Also, the
deflection curves presented herein are useful for designing the unsupported garage ground
floor slabs, ramps, plat forms, and bus stations runway iterance.