للكاتبين :
* Kamel A. Shoush, ** Ahmed S. Ahmed
* Al-Azhar University, Faculty Of Engineering , Nasr City – Cairo – Egypt
** Petroleum pipeline Co. Cairo –Egypt. P.O.B. 1104 Cairo, Egypt
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Load management (LM) means the strategies implemented by the electric power utility to
systematically affect the utilization time and amount of electric energy by the customers. The
potential of LM programs to reduce the system peak depends on the customers willingness
and capability to alter the end use activities such as the time of day to operate the electric
appliances. The LM programs will change the load pattern of customers by decrease load
demand during peak period and/or increase load demand during off-peak period. The
expected benefit of LM is the reduction of power system operation cost and the postponement
of constructing new generation units.
Time of use (TOU) pricing can either be applied as a LM program or as an incentive to drive
the economics and the motivation to implement other types of LM programs. TOU pricing
also can be taken as an involuntary way for consumers to adjust the electricity consumption
among different time axis in accordance with the cost of electricity.
This paper introduce two modules for TOU rate structure, each one can differentiate among
different time periods, despite of long peak period, that must be reduced it, to encourage the
using of load management (TOU).