Department of Civil Engineering , AL-AZHAR University, Cairo, Egypt
The pilot-scale constructed wetland contains two cells (1) Free Surface Flow (FSF) and (2)
Floating Aquatic Plant (FAP) for treatment of Belbas water drain. The treatment system
consist of Free Surface Flow constructed wetland with loading rate and hydraulic residence
time of 29.6 kg BOD ha-1 day-1and 2 days, and Floating Aquatic Plant with loading rate andhydraulic residence time of 32.74 kg BOD ha-1day-1 day-1and 2 days, respectively . The
wetland system was highly effective in treating the water drain ; median removal efficiencies
of BOD5 (biological oxygen demand),COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and TSS (total
suspended solids) were about 58%,53% and 83% with median effluent concentrations of
30.5,55.2 and 25.7 mg/L, respectively. Average ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentrations
decreased approximately by 62%, leading to an efficient design for high nitrification rate due
to dissimulator reduction or plant uptake. Total phosphorus (P) concentration reductions was
of 65%. The common macrophyte in Egypt Typha latifolia (cattail) was used at a planting
density of one plant/m2 and Water hyacinths at a planting density of 1 Kg / m2 .