التنمية السياحية المستدامة للشاطئ الشرقى لقناة السويس المعايير التخطيطية والتنظيمية والفنية لمشارآة القطاع الخاص لتوفير الخدمات والأنشطة البلدية

 للكاتبين : 

محمد فتحى محمد عارف , عابد محمود أحمد جاد
المركز القومي لبحوث الإسكان والبناء

As a result of population increase especially in large cities, increase in immigration from
countryside to urban and increase in urban areas. There are many relevant negative aspects such
as decrease in residential areas that covered with local municipality services like services,
infrastructure beside the bad shape for the available offered services. So, conversion to public
sector participation in managing local municipality activity is a must an important issue, in spite
of the problems that face this conversion. But, most governments especially in third world
countries started to set strategies for participation of private sector in the programs and 5 year
development plans as one of the components for administrative performance to upgrade the level
of services, project, and utilities of local municipality.
The objective of this research is to determine the urban planning, organizational, juridical,
technical, economical criteria beside supervision and monitoring criteria that should be available
for private sector participation in managing local municipality to provide services and other
activities beside managing and operating it. Also, the research aims to define local municipality
and private sector rolls and concentrating on activities and services that can private sector
participate in increase its performance.
Main components of the Research:
􀂃 The concept of services, local municipality activities that should be exist in cities.
􀂃 Why there are a need for private sector participation in providing, managing, and operating
services and local municipality activities?
􀂃 Main alternatives of ways and methods for private sector participation in providing local
municipality services and activities.
􀂃 Urban planning, organizational, juridical, technical, economical criteria beside supervision
and monitoring criteria.
􀂃 Services and activities that private sector can participate on it.
􀂃 Conclusion and recommendation.

تعليق واحد

  1. Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gneltmeen!

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