رصد و متابعة التطورالعمرانى السريع للمدن بأستخدام الأستشعار عن بعد و نظم المعلومات الجغرافية

This paper presents how to use the new geo-information-technologies with the help of the satellite image analysis to the city monitoring in fast-growing metropolises and mega-cities.

The metropolises and mega-cities grow with dynamics, which withdraws themselves from the conventional urban research and planning



At the same time high- resolution satellite photographs, automated image analysis and geo-information-systems give new possibilities for a continuous exact city observation (dynamic city-monitoring) and for the town planning.

The growth of the urban areas in Egypt and the Arab world has passed many stages. Especially during the last 30 years, this growth seldom monitored during that period of time.

We suppose that a monitoring system with help of satellite images would have been beneficial to determine current and future patterns of growth that may help in identifying guidelines for sustainability.

The paper main goal is to give idea about how to monitor the development of the urban areas in big cities.


Dr.-Ing. Hisham M. A. Gadou

Associate Professor

Urban & Regional planning Dept.

College of Architecture & Planning


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