Mohamed Mehdi BITAM 1, Mohamed Tahar BELARBI 1, Salim BITAM 2
1 Civil Engineering Department, Mohamed Khider University of Biskra, Algeria.
2 Computer Sciences Department, Mohamed Khider University of Biskra, Algeria.
In steel construction, structure optimization during preliminary phase of design, when it’s
based on the overall structure cost criterion which integrate the costs of materials and
execution (fabrication and erection), it create the assessment problem of the global design
solutions costs after the estimation of their elementary costs. In this article, we present a new
model which highlights the elements constituting the global cost of a building structure that
accounts for steel structural members, the joints and the reinforced concrete foundations, and
we expose a method for the effective estimation of the elementary costs followed by the total
cost of the design solutions.
The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated following a site investigation carried out by
the authors. For this reason, necessary and useful remarks are presented.