للكاتبين :
Mohamed. A. Ahmed, M.A Ashour 1, and Hamdy. M. Kelash 2.
1 Dept of Systems and engineering, NCRRT, Atomic Energy Authority.
2Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Menoufiya University, Faculty of Electronic
Engineering, Egypt.
This paper presents a new architecture of S-box based on Multi-path Interconnection Network
(MIN), and then implements it on FPGA platform. The proposed MIN interconnection
technique achieves the interconnection and routing for encryption/decryption processes,
which consider the s-box for encryption/decryption works as a bidirectional unit for both
processes with very high speed. For performance evaluation, a practical comparison among
the proposed design and similar units in two famous encryption algorithms has been carried
out. The proposed design verify a significant achievement in throughput and implementation
area, the maximum throughput of proposed s-box unit improved by 219% when it works as a
bidirectional unit , and improved by 346% when it works as one way encryption / decryption
unit. This results support the usages of proposed s-box in real time applications.