للكاتبين :
N. Bennecib(1), R. Abdessemed(2), S. Drid(2)
(1) Université de Constantine Route d’Ain El Bey 25000 ALGÉRIE
(2)Université de Batna Route chahid boukhlouf 05000ALGÉRIE
The authors present a review of some physical and mathematical models that are currently used in the
electromagnetic pumps for representing the behaviour of electrically conducting flows subject to the
electromagnetic fields. Starting from the general model, which couples the Navier-stokes equations
with the Maxwell equations, they describe the simplifications that are usually adopted to obtain the
simplified models of magneto hydrodynamics.
In this article, we present the magneto hydrodynamic studies carried out under code DCPMHD, while
being based on a new configuration proposed; its originality is in the electrodes provision. The
numerical advantage of calculation lies in the calculation method applied, which is the finite volume
method for the two problems electromagnetic and hydrodynamic. A detailed picture of the electric
and hydrodynamic fields encountered in Dc pumps is presented.