للكاتب :
Ashraf Farah
Aswan-Faculty of Engineering-South Valley University-EGYPT
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have an endless number of applications in industry,
science, military, transportation and recreation & sports. Two systems are currently in operation
namely GPS (the USA Global Positioning System) and GLONASS (the Russian GLObal
NAvigation Satellite System), and a third is planned, the European satellite navigation system
GALILEO. The potential performance improvements achievable through combining these
systems could be significant and expectations are high. Computer software can be used to
simulate the overall process of GNSS (signal transmission and reception) and produce realistic
simulated GNSS measurements. Using such simulated measurements, current and future GNSS
systems and possible new applications of GNSS can be investigated. The simulated Galileo and
combined GPS/Galileo data could be generated using GNSS data simulation software. The
behaviour of the GPS, future-Galileo and combined GPS/Galileo systems are discussed in the
paper through analyzing the Dilution Of Precision (DOP) values for three different latitude
stations in high, medium and near-equatorial geographical regions.