Sherine Mohy Eldin Wahba
Architecture Dept.Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Nowadays, architecture seems to be caught in a trap between culture and commerce, or between its
ability to express diverse and complex values, and the obligations it carries to create, embody and
articulate value. In essence the commodification of a realm of human activity which, according to its
sustaining conceptual framework, is without value in the economic sense. None of this was possible
before the mid eighteenth century1. But nowadays could social or cultural value become dominant in
the way economic value can? Or architecture and/or artworks begin to take on the aura of talismanic
objects of prestige and power which have value on their own account; in other words, constructing the
Architecture of Fashion of the new millennium. Drawing upon these queries, this paper provides a
reading in the contemporary architecture from internationality to locality, investigating the relationship
between new paradigms architecture, its essence and core and other remote domains of value, culture,
and context.