للكاتبين :
El-Sayed A. M. Hasaneen1, Mohamed Moness2, and Mohamed Sabry3
1Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia University, El-Minia
2Computer and system Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia University, El-Minia
3Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Qena
This paper presents detailed analysis and design of light-emitting diodes for optoelectronic applications.
Both internal and external efficiencies are investigated taking into account the nonradiative
recombination process and the total internal reflection. The dependency of the LED output power on
the efficiency and double pass parasitic absorption is studied. Effect of the temperature variation on the
LED performance is also studied. A complete design of an encapsulated LED operating at 1.55 μm has
been investigated. The design illustrates layer structures and thickness, material compositions, and
index of refraction. The results show that decreasing the radiation recombination time increases the
quantum efficiency. The quantum efficiency increases from 15% to 70% as the radiative recombination
time reduced from 0.5 μs to 0.05 μs. It is also shown that increasing the width of the active region
increases the output power.