Abdou Khalaf Mohamed
Structural Eng., AL Azhar University, Qena, Egypt
Over reinforced concrete sections are brittle, and fail suddenly without warning, so it is
restricted in codes of practice of concrete design. In some cases such as high rise building and
bridges, it is useful to use a high percentage of steel reinforcement in concrete sections (over
reinforced concrete sections) to reduce the beam size and provide adequate stiffness. Brittle
compression failure could be prevented by using proper confinement in the compression zone,
which restrains the lateral expansion, and leads to enhancement in the strength and ductility of
concrete. This paper presented an analytical study based on section analysis of the behavior
of over reinforced concrete beams confined with helical reinforcement. The analytical study is
implemented by introducing a computer program. It take into consideration the nonlinear
properties of concrete and reinforcing steel. The results is verified by comparing it with
existing experimental results published in the literature.