للكاتب :
M. M. Kesba
Faculty of Engineering, EL-Minia University. EL-Minia, Egypt
In this study face milling operations were carried out on mild steel to indicate the effect of
cutting parameters on surface roughness. It was found that surface roughness carbide tips
were reduced by using round carbide tips. By using two round carbide tips having nose radii
of 6 mm and 9.5 mm, it could be found that surface roughness is good enough, at most feed
rates for nose radius of 9.5 mm , by using the same cutting speed and the same depth of cut. It
was found also that the lowest depth of cut (0.1 mm ) gives the best surface roughness
compared with the results obtained from the other values of depth of cut used (0.2, 0.5 and 1
mm) .