للكاتبين :
K. M. Mowafi, M. M. Shahat, Hanafy Hussien, Y. El. Gendi, Fred Wehr, Patrick Jennings,
Khalda Petroleum Company
Hydraulic fracturing is one of the common methods utilized to enhance production from tight
hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs. Hydraulic fracturing although used extensively in some parts of the
world has not been applied as widespread as some may think. Fracturing is a relatively new technology
in some areas of the world and thus has taken time to gain acceptance as an effective completion
technique to stimulate production, bypass damage and connect multiple stacked thin bed laminated pay
Discussion of reservoir properties in this paper will review difficult rock properties of the reservoirs
subjected to hydraulic fracturing. Also, it will review the incremental production and incremental
reserve due to fracture treatment versus non-stimulated completions. As a conclusion, the hydraulic
fracturing was proved to be a necessary process to enhance development of many idle tight reservoirs
widely spread through the western desert which are still considered as non-profitable reservoirs by
several operating companies. Currently, the hydraulic fractured wells are sharing significantly in
Khalda total production and many development projects including production and waterflooding are
being implemented.