Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool which has been employed for integration of spatial and non-spatial data. GIS is a specific integrated system of hardware, software and procedure designed to support capture, management, manipulation, analysis and display of spatially referenced data for solving complex planning and management problems. GIS can be applied to any service that is dependent on network like water supply, power supply, sewage, etc. So it could be of great help for Transportation Engineering and planning also.
When so many parameters are to be connected with Transportation network like travel time, speed, road resistance, turning movements, etc. For such a big network GIS proves itself as an efficient tool for solving such a network problems quickly and with a great precision. A case study of Bhavnagar district area was conducted for determining the optimal routes from one origin to many destinations kind of problem, with an objective of minimizing travel distance and travel time of users. Constrains taken into consideration were impedance for intersections, type of road and speed. GIS emerged as better tool for getting solution of such complex problems very accurately and rapidly