1 Bouras Faouzi, 2 Mansouri Rachid , 3 Hammami mounir
1-2 University of Guelma, Guelma,Algeria
3 University of Skikda. Skikda,Algeria
The previous investigations for the stability of earth dams with the pseudostatic method are
unsatisfactory,because the results can either becorrect or false. For dam projects in earthquake
regions is of intrest the determination of actual stress-strain behavior of high dams under
seismicloads, instead of a fictitious factor of stability with a static analysis. Therefore a dynamic
numerical ,analyssis under the unfluence of water pore perssure is described, so that the seismic
risk at a proposed dam be evaluated. With the prposed dynamic numerical analysis the stress and
displacements behavior and the water pore persure developed under seismic loads could be